Friday, September 27, 2013

I Survived The Day Of Death

Hello everyone. My how I have missed blogging, but there is this thing called homework that tends to get in the way of my posting. But SOOOOOOOOO much has happened since I last posted. Spiders find their way into my room all the time, and I am one of the best SCUM players in my group of friends.

I got an iPhone 5!!! Now I can take pictures all the time that actually look good! I also can do fun iPhone things! Yay iPhone!!!

I always make artwork pieces on my whiteboard outside my room, and people have actually taken notice of it, and write me messages back. 

Ashley is teaching me to play guitar! 

I participated in the day of serve on Saturday the 21st. 

My team went to Anderson Community plant church and painted the interior of the building. It was a blast to serve this small community church and bless the halls that its visitors walk through.

I survived the Day of Death on Wednesday the 25th. I had massive projects due in every class, somehow Jesus got me through it all.

I hosted Disney Night at trash club on Thursday the 26th. Mom mailed me all of my stuff from the parks so  I could dress up and entertain as we served the ladies on campus.

Tonight I participated in My Tie! I went on a blind date with Amaryah! She picked my tie and our group had a blast. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Give Us All Of Your Trash

Got plugged into a club tonight. All guys club. Trash Club!!! Blarg and I rocked the classy look as us guys sang our ways through the dorms to take out the trash for our sisters in Christ.

Give us all of your trash
Give us all of your trash
Plastic, cardboard, aluminium, tin
If you've got trash then we're your men
Give us all of your trash.

Give us all of your trash
Give us all of your trash
We are trash club 7 to 8
Every Thursday night and we'll be great
Give us all of your trash.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Black Persons Hair

What an awesome day! Have four classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Three of the four are with the Youth Min professor. I've got a lot of reading and writing to do for him, so we'll see how the HW goes. I'm super pumped! Oh and tonight I crossed something of my bucket list as I have touched a black persons hair. The experience was unforgettable, and quite unique I must say.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Go And Serve The Lord

Today felt great to have my first Christian classes in college. Opening with prayer, and closing with Go and serve the Lord. Preaching is going to be a great class, and completely ridiculous. Can't wait to see how the rest of the year pans out. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Purple Princess

It's been three days of college so far and if God is going to use me to move some mountains I've got to make a name for myself. I have many names that I love, and tonight I added Princess to it. Team Purple rocked it tonight at the First Year Experience games. As I was taking countless pictures with my fans I became very taken to have people ask me what my real name was. God has big things planned for me and its very humbling to see how Christ has taken me from the sidelines to be a frontline ambassador for his kingdom, and all I had to do was wear a purple dress.

I'll make plenty more friends, but these two have been around since RedHawk Summer, and I am blessed to have these crazy guys in my life.

Look at this guy! Brandon "Blarg" Smart (Placerville, California). He's pretty much a total babe.

And my Banana Woman Ashley Afterburner (Portola, California).